Another concept that won't ever be used---partially because after it was rejected, I totally revamped it. Why would someone use their spare time to keep working on something that was rejected? Boredom maybe, or brain damage. At some point in the future I'll hopefully be able to talk about the project this was for.
Foresty Fun
We've had a bunch of storm clouds pass through our area lately, blasting us with driving rain, hail, and lightning. The bright side is that we get to see all sorts of cool cloud formations. I did this one night after I saw these clouds approaching. Unfortunately, the photos (last two images) are still cooler.

My wife and I just got back from an anniversary trip (8 years!) to the Redwoods in California. That place is amazing. I got all inspired and felt the itch to draw but never got the chance. I drew this after we got home. I'm probably going to do a more, but I felt like I needed to post something new, so here you go.
Old forest
Meet the Robinsons: last batch
More Meet the Robinsons (Game) early concepts
Meet the Robinsons game
I did some very early concept art for the game, none of which was used. It was fun to kick out some wild ideas of how things should be, though. Lots of this stuff was really quick because I knew it was very likely to be rejected. I'll make a couple more posts with it art for the game in days to come.
All images copyright Disney 2007.
The rest of the final project: Environment 2 and Villain
Character design final project: Environment
Don't ask me why we're doing an environment in a character design class. I guess the class IS called Character Design and Visual Development, but it is strange to have an environment suddenly lumped in there at the end of the semester.
I realize that there are a few design problems with this one (the repetitive shape size being one), but I was rushed to finish these and didn't catch the problems until it was too late to be worth the effort to fix.
I realize that there are a few design problems with this one (the repetitive shape size being one), but I was rushed to finish these and didn't catch the problems until it was too late to be worth the effort to fix.