I wanted months ago to do the Wizard of Oz as an Avalanche topic, but everyone was busy, so I tried it out on my class instead. I had a suspicion that I was overtaxing my class, work-hour-wise, so I decided to do the assignment to test how much time it would take. I limited myself to one hour per week of time they were working on it, to compensate for differences in speed and experience. So here's how it progressed, hour-by-hour.
Hour 1:

Hour 2:

Hour 3:

Hour 4:

Hour 5:

Last Hour:

At this point, I'd used up the allocated amount. Since that Time I've spent a little more time on it. This represents about 2 hours of work:

I have one more version I'm still improving on---I'll post it when I find time to put those last finishing touches on it.
Hour 1:
Hour 2:
Hour 3:
Hour 4:
Hour 5:
Last Hour:
At this point, I'd used up the allocated amount. Since that Time I've spent a little more time on it. This represents about 2 hours of work:
I have one more version I'm still improving on---I'll post it when I find time to put those last finishing touches on it.