I just took my family on a several-day trip to southern California, the beach, and Disneyland. It was fun, but best of all, it was cheap---3 tanks of gas (hybrid), free Disneyland (compliments of work), hotel=wife's brother's house, parking fees at beach or in L.A., and picnic meals or food provided by my sister-in-law. I honestly think the whole trip only cost us a couple hundred dollars.
Aside from ornery kids, the drive is always one of my favorite parts of a trip. I especially like looking at the constantly-changing scenery.
I think I saw this scene, only more beautiful, driving through southern Utah and Arizona in the morning (we started driving before dawn). I started this from memory the next day on my laptop, but I haven't had the time to finish it off like I want to. I want to post something before people decide to never come back here, though, so here it is.![](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/568bec9625981da9388a4a1c/t/569035c76bb3118bd05acd23/1452291527669/1000w/)